Monday, August 26, 2013

Whats The World Comming To?

I am not normally one to give this type of thing the time of day...BUT MY GOD!!! Many of you probably saw the Miley Cyrus performance last night, and though I am sure many people are talking about this, I figured I would put in my 2 cents, though the value is probably less. Though I find her performance drastically grotesque, and don't approve of her as any type of role model, I wont be focusing on that for this post. I will however be focusing on the absolute uselessness of this type of performance, regardless of who the performer is. The reality is that this took no talent, thought (worth thinking) and had absolutely no point. When art inspires, that is a beautiful thing. However, when this type of garbage is produced, packaged and sold as art, I believe that it literally slows down the progress of man. What was the point? What was the message? Do whatever you want, act like a slut, be lame to everyone, party all the time? Welcome to the real world, where everything we do matters and effects those around us. No one, not Miley Cyrus, not me, and not you can simply do whatever we want without consequence. That is why I believe that this type of pointless messaging being passed as something beautiful or worth the time of day is an insult to the rest of us. It's nice to say don't let it effect you, ignore it if you don't like it...but it's really not that easy to avoid something that is shoved into our faces repeatedly until we buy, accept their messaging, or just conform to accept what the world believes should be acceptable. Past this post, I wont be thinking about this any further, and I do not think I am better than anyone else, but I will be glad that I am only in this world, and not of it.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Heart Attack Response

I stumbled across this site the other day that walks you through helping a heart attack victim. The site is focused on Heart Attack Response and the information is available for FREE. Once you walk through all of the modules, it allows you to download a shield to confirm your status as a guardian against heart attacks, and spread awareness. I never realized before that every 34 seconds someone suffers a heart attack, and with numbers like that, we could all use some training on what to do. The cool thing about this site is that they offer the info for free, only to spread awareness. If you aren't sure what to do if one of your loved ones suffers a heart attack, then you should check this out, and like the site says, become a guardian. What do you have to lose?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Not enough time

Ever find yourself exhausted, weary and wondering at the end of the day, where it went? It seems funny to me that just going through the normal motions of life can be so time consuming. Especially since we supposedly have all of this technology to make our lives easier. But I have a truth for you, all of this technology just makes our life more complicated. Do we really need to be connected with everything and everyone from one device? Does the ability to do this lead us to neglect the "real" people in our lives? I think it does, but doesn't necessarily have to. Just like with money, the more you have, the more you spend. The same is true with our time, the more you can do, the more you will do. However, our minds are not capable of processing the high volume of tasks and follow ups, so even though technology can make our lives easier, we don't allow it to. There is this little thing that people seem to not be able to manage, myself included, and its called balance. I suggest to everyone, and I am trying very hard to practice this in my life, just a few simple things to slow down, and enjoy the non-digital world a little more. Limit your time on electronic devices, eat dinner as a family, make time to spend quality one on one time with your children, this includes you too dads, spend time with your spouse, go on a date without being attached to your phone, and take personal time to enjoy nature around you. This will require that you let some routine activities go, and that you put down that mobile device. But I think we all already wish that we could do this from time to time, and that we will live more fulfilling lives once we do. Let technology make your life easier by not over using it. Easier said than done, but if you're like me, and life seems too busy, what do you have to lose?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

If it makes you happy.

Passion is great. It compels us to do good, learn new things, be more active and fulfill a sense of purpose. However, passion is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to love and sincerity. Though passion may drive us, it rarely alone leads us to the finish line. The other missing quality we need is commitment. Since passion is really an emotional feeling, it often leads us to poor decisions if we do not keep it in check. Take for example a marriage, the lustful feelings of passion you have (or in many cases once had) for a person leads you to start a relationship, date, make love or do nearly anything to retain those wonderful feeling you have for that person. But when it comes to the wedding day, you must complete this "love" for your spouse by making a commitment. Today, mainstream media, consumerism, and society as a whole leads us to believe that we should always just do what make us happy, or what I like to call live in passion. Unfortunately though this often leads to divorce in a marriage, because after the first year, feelings of passion for your partner become scarce (if we are being honest). The point in all of this, is that if you do nothing but live in the moment, do everything with passion (or what makes you happy) and have no commitment for what you are doing. You will always find yourself disappointed. So have passion, do what makes you happy, but remember that coming full circle always requires commitment. Passion and commitment in everything you do will lead you to true happiness.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Big Letdown?

What is the big letdown? The big letdown is when you have over stimulated yourself with anticipation about an event, built it up inside, and then the event comes and goes leaving you with nothing but feelings of disappointment. You hardly even realized that what you had been looking forward to is done. You are then left with feelings of wishing what you were looking forward to was as exciting as you had expected it to be. So many times I myself have experienced this total deflation, after a date, a child being born or even a nice vacation. Countless times I have spent weeks looking forward to something, then wishing I was looking forward to it again, or simply moving onto the next big thing I can look forward to. This continuous cycle is a vicious one that I am sure many of you are also in. If you don't stop and think about it though, the next big thing you might be looking forward to is your own death, without ever fully enjoying life. Sounds sad, right? Well it is...and even when you do think about it, that wont stop you from entering into that vicious cycle again tomorrow. If you are like me, join me in my quest to break the cycle, and live everyday to the fullest.