Monday, August 26, 2013

Whats The World Comming To?

I am not normally one to give this type of thing the time of day...BUT MY GOD!!! Many of you probably saw the Miley Cyrus performance last night, and though I am sure many people are talking about this, I figured I would put in my 2 cents, though the value is probably less. Though I find her performance drastically grotesque, and don't approve of her as any type of role model, I wont be focusing on that for this post. I will however be focusing on the absolute uselessness of this type of performance, regardless of who the performer is. The reality is that this took no talent, thought (worth thinking) and had absolutely no point. When art inspires, that is a beautiful thing. However, when this type of garbage is produced, packaged and sold as art, I believe that it literally slows down the progress of man. What was the point? What was the message? Do whatever you want, act like a slut, be lame to everyone, party all the time? Welcome to the real world, where everything we do matters and effects those around us. No one, not Miley Cyrus, not me, and not you can simply do whatever we want without consequence. That is why I believe that this type of pointless messaging being passed as something beautiful or worth the time of day is an insult to the rest of us. It's nice to say don't let it effect you, ignore it if you don't like it...but it's really not that easy to avoid something that is shoved into our faces repeatedly until we buy, accept their messaging, or just conform to accept what the world believes should be acceptable. Past this post, I wont be thinking about this any further, and I do not think I am better than anyone else, but I will be glad that I am only in this world, and not of it.

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